Thursday, May 31, 2012

Work Hard

As you know from our previous introduction post, this blog is not only about homelessness, it's also about the core values in our school. The core value I want to talk to you about is "Work Hard." Working hard to me is when you do something even if it's hard to get done and you don't give up. Working hard is very related to helping people and effort, but it definitely has to be something you want to do or there's no point, if your just goofing then you might as well not do anything. Working hard is also important when your doing team work because if someones your friend you never leave them to do all the work themselves. So just work hard because when you're not, you're not doing anything good for yourself or your partner so WORK HARD!


Health Week!

Hi Friends,

We have done many things to contribute to our community, but one of our favorite one was starting Health Week  at our school. Health week was one week at the end of winter, where we came up with a bunch of games that anyone was allowed to join in.  A few of the games that we played were tag, red light green light and a few others. During Health week we also asked anyone in  CRCS to contribute there own healthy recipes, that we would turn into a cookbook.  With these cookbooks we raised $670!  This money went to a food program at Neges Foundation School, Mon P'tit village, in Léogâne, Haiti. Health week is a fun way to get people in your school or community involved. We also had health week because it makes kids want to be more active and for them to stay fit.  Everyone should have a health week!



Thursday, May 24, 2012

Our Past Work with Local Shelters

This is LSA Club we have done two drives for the homeless shelters and we are in the middle of our third. Like we told you in our introductory post, our particular LSA group started in fourth grade and now we are in fifth grade. We are one group broken into two small groups: we are the homelessness group and the health group (we have a health blog as well). Our two groups often work together (that's one of our Core Values!) The homelessness group first decided to do a drive for diapers, baby food and toys (that is what the shelters told us they needed when we asked them) when we were in 4th grade.  Then when we were in 5th grade we did another drive for clothes and toys. We also thought that we should also spend some time with the shelters, so we volunteered to read books to the little kids and we helped set up for holiday parties. Below are some pictures showing the things we did for the shelters:

In these pictures, it shows all the donations we collected in our last drive.The families at our school donated the things that the shelter had asked for. We called the shelter and they gave us a list of what they needed and then we wrote a letter for all the families and they gave us the donations. Thanks again to our families!

In this picture, we visited the Auburn family shelter and read books to the younger kids. We had picked the books from our school and we made good choices because the kids really liked the books we chose. It was fun to read to them!


 In this picture  we went to the Auburn because it was almost thanksgiving so we celebrated with all the kids at the shelter. We made hand turkeys. Earlier in October, we helped set up for their Halloween Party. 

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Our New Blog

Dear CRCS community and other readers,

We are the 5th grade LSA Club. These past few after school semesters, we have been helping two homeless shelters very close to our school called, Auburn and Arbor Inn. We have run two drives for the shelters. We did those drives because after we researched and thought about our community we learned about local shelters and realized there were people nearby who didn't have everything they needed.

Now we are having another drive from May 21st-May 25th (for diapers - size, 1 2 and 5, baby food, baby wipes and arts & crafts kits).  We also decided we wanted to do more than the drive and came up with the idea of a blog to bring awareness about homelessness. Then we started thinking more about it and realized we should make this blog about all the work LSA does and about how it connects to our school's Core Values.  At Community Roots we have six Core Values which are:

  • Honor Our Self And Others
  • Help Each Other
  • Try New Things 
  • Work Together
  • Be Reflective
  • Work Hard

  • So we decided to make the blog about these Core Values and any other ideas that we and the other LSA groups come up with that will help our community! After all, these Core Values really do connect with helping the community and other people.  So look out for our future posts on helping local shelters, as well as the LSA2 projects on recycling and the garden, and LSA generally!

    LSA Club